Week Thirty Five 2022-23

Dear Parents,

It’s been an amazing week at preschool, filled with the wonders of spring.

The gorgeous spring weather has been a blessing, and we’ve made the most of it by spending as much time as possible in our outdoor classroom. Exploring the outdoors, our students have discovered fascinating treasures from nature, which we’ve been incorporated into our art activities.

In addition to our nature-inspired art, our morning tables have been focused on math, colors, building, and social emotional skills. Our provocations include sensory play, small world/imaginary play, art, and manipulatives; and through this we aim to present each area of learning to the children though the way they learn best.

The end of this week marks the Jewish Holiday of Shavuot – the receiving of the 10 Commandments. We will be learning a few key ideas and focusing on treating each other with kindness and doing good things in this world. We also take this opportunity to discuss mountains and what that looks like in our world.

Looking forward to a great week!

Thank you,

Morah Chana, Miss Jodi and Miss Jenica